Montgomery County

Selma Mansion

In over two hundred years, only the members of two families have lived in the historic mansion, first built by General Andrew Porter in the late 1700's. General Porter had quite a few illustrious descendants, including two sons who became governors and a great-granddaughter who beame a First Lady (yes, Mary Todd Lincoln had roots in Montgomery County). When Andrew died, he was buried in Harrisburg with his first wife, Elizabeth McDowell, but his second wife, Elizabeth Parker, lived in Norristown until her death in 1821.

The John Roberts House

John Roberts was a wealthy Quaker and a miller. During the time of the Revolution, his lack of involvement in the war effort lead many to assume that he was a traitor, and his reputation destroyed.

This article appeared in the Reading Eagle in the 1890's:


The Haunted House of Montgomery County

Said to be Inhabited by the shades of Former Occupants  -

John Roberts, Tory, was Hanged there and His Remains Buried in the Cellar. Another hanged in apple orchard adjoining.

General Wayne Inn

The General Wayne Inn has a fascinating history, having been the longest continually operating historic inn for many years, and for a very long time, it has also been declared to be haunted.


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