Merion Hall at Bryn Mawr College

Merion Hall at Bryn Mawr College is the oldest dormitory building on campus. So perhaps it is fitting that it is also home to the college’s oldest ghost, Lillian Vickers.
On the morning of Decemebr 20, 1901, Lillian Vickers, age 22, went to take her morning shower in the bathroom near her room in Merion Hall. Reports differ widely as to what happened next, but the fact remains that Lillian, attired only in her bathrobe, caught on fire. Her screams brought hall-mates running to her aid, but the flames were too much. Poor Lillian fell unconscious just after asking if anyone else was hurt and was the dorm damaged. A few hours later, she died.
Some reports of her death claim that she jumped out of a window while on fire, but that is untrue. Others claim that she believed that she had leprosy and had covered herself in kerosene as a cure. Doubtful. The most likely scenario would be that her robe caught fire while she was trying to light the bathroom’s gas lamp, in order to take her morning bath.
Lillian supposedly causes doors to open and shut on their own. Residents of the hall have heard mysterious noises, including one who heard singing coming from an empty room. Maybe she is trying to correct the many outrageous stories about how she died.