Daniel Dolohan House

Daniel Dolohan built his house on State Street in Newtown in 1793. Thomas Kennedy bought the house in 1810. Kennedy had just recently married Eliza Violetta Hicks, sister of Edward Hicks, the well-known painter. Sadly, the young Kennedy family suffered tragedy just a few years later. Their young son Augustine fell into the nearby Newtown Creek and his mother lost her life rescuing him on July 28, 1817.
The next occupant was Joseph O. Archambault who moved to Newtown about 1820. His story is pretty wild as he and his older brother Achille were footmen in the service of Napoleon Bonaparte. Archambault married Susan Sprague in 1819 and within ten years, he bought the Brick Hotel a few blocks away from the house
During the early 1960’s, the Daniel Dolohan house became home to the Charles Miller family. Miller, an interior decorator, became very involved with historic preservation in Newtown. He and his wife, Ann, realized that they were not alone in their historic home. At one point, a silver-backed hairbrush flew off a dresser and landed in Charles’ lap while he sat on the bed. An old Victrola in the attic began playing music on its own. The Millers invited the professionals to visit, looking for answers. They were told of a lady dressed in black. Could it be Eliza Violetta from so long ago?